Saturday 13 June 2009

Sidebar Links (1)

Before launching into more posts outlining the evils of capitalism in our modern society and going on to laying out my plans on how to save humanity and the world, I'd like to take a moment to explain my reasons for putting up the two links that currently reside in the sidebar over there. As I will no doubt add more over time, for the historical record the two current links are for NO2ID, an organisation dedicated to preventing the introduction of national identity cards in the UK and BBCresistance, an organisation which opposes the television licensing laws here.

The purists among you will realise that these two organisations aren't really all that radical. Oh, I know they may be perceived as such by the majority of mainstream society but come on, let's face it, these two organisations are hardly going to bring an end to capitalism and usher in a new world of peace and anarchic voluntarism, let alone save humanity and the world ... at least I don't think so. They are, however, both issues that I care about because they intimately affect me and also (more importantly) because I feel that I can take simple and direct action to do something about them. World capitalism hardly falls into that category. As yet I know of no organisation that can effectively achieve my aims listed above. I've tried to find just such an organisation, I really have. In fact I'm still looking ... but so far I've come up with nada. If I ever find one then you people will be among the first to know ... but don't hold your breath.

Also, the "spiritual" among you will notice that both links are concerned with negative issues and that (as yet) there are no "happy happy joy joy" links there to balance things out. I'm fully aware of this and I'd love to be able to put a link to a more positive organisation over there. I've tried to find just such an organisation, I really have. In fact I'm still looking ... but so far I've come up with nada. If I ever find one then you people will be among the first to know ... but don't hold your breath (did anyone else just get a really bad case of deja vu?).

So, having said all that, in my next post I'll just give a short exposition about the "raison d'etre" for each link and then I can get back to my real goal of enlightening the masses, bringing down our corporate masters and subsequently saving humanity, the world and probably the whales and tuna fish while I'm at it (strikes a superhero pose).

Now, where did I leave my cape?

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